Sunday, June 28, 2015

Trujillo Temple Dedication

Well, I`m sorry I didn`t write you yesterday! We went on a hike in the morning and when we went to go to internet, we found every single internet place to be filled. We finally found a spot and waited for fifteen minutes for just the page to come up, so our leaders just told us to write today. 

This week has been a great one. We had interviews with President Harbertson (The mission president) on Thursday in our apartment. He went to every sector of the mission to have the interviews. Him, the assistents and his wife all commented that Calca is the prettiest place of the mission. On Sunday, we had the opportunity to see the dedication of the Trujillo temple dedicati
Hike to Water Fall in Calca

on through satalite. As we entered the Stake Center, it was as  if we were entering the temple, so all of the members needed a recommend. There were three sessions of the dedication lasting 2 hours each. As I entered the Chapel, I kept thinking that I didn`t feel like I was in the temple, and wanted to really feel the feeling I have when I  am there. I then remembered that in this moment it wasn`t a temple yet, and in the moment of the dedicatory prayer, the whole feeling of the chapel changed and I knew that even though I was many miles away from the temple that the same spirit was there with me. Then, on Monday, President Uchtdorf came to Cusco! We all got to go again to the stake center Monday night to have an apostle of the Lord give our mission and the stakes here in Cusco blessings and instruction! We didn`t go to where he was, but saw him through satalite as well in the chapel of Urubamba which is the District building of the branch here in Calca. He gave an analogy which really stuck in my mind. He said that the people here in Cusco are like a tree. The roots are bitter and have to be strong, but the fruit that comes thanks to these roots is sweet and delicious. Many here in Cusco are the pioneers of what will be many generations of people in the church. The work here won`t be easy, and many times bitter. But, if we take upon ourselves the hard work, after we have done this, future generations will be able to taste of the sweet fruit of our labors. This reminds me of the Savior and his atonement for us. He didn`t receive thanks from the people or taste of the sweet fruit immediatly after he paid for our sins. The people continued to persecute him and even to the point of taking his life. But, he knew his purpose, and saw further in the future with an eye single to the glory of God. I love my family and know that if we look at every day as another opportunity to get to where we want, and see the ultimate goal we have, we will one day see the many delicios fruits that the Gospel brings in our lives. I love you Mom and pray for the family often. Thanks for teaching me these things and being super AWESOME! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!! 

Elder Jeffery 

Monday, June 15, 2015

"We only need to do three things..."

I am learning more and more the importance of the rules and commandments we have here in the mission and in our lives. Every single thing the prophet and the leaders of the church say are for our benefit, and teach us if we diligently seek their guidance. A simple thing as following the instruction of writing in your journal or having family night every week has an eternal purpose that brings us closer to God. Everything in this life can be related to God and God can help us in every aspect of our lives. We simply just need to let him do so! I`ve been learning the importance of ^Personal Revelation this week. It`s crazy how long I`ve had the Holy Ghost and never knew how it really can help me! It`s really what you`ve been telling me it is all these years! Woah! We can receive the guidance necessary for our families, investigators, yourselves, and those that we have been called to serve. We only need to do three things... 1) ask God for guidance 2) have faith 3) Keep the commandments of God. 

 Love you and thanks for always writing me MOM! We are working with Edson I think I told you who he is, he has planned to be baptised at the end of this week but we might change the date. We`ll see! No time, but I am glad that every single day if we do our part we learn more of our purpose here on our earthly life, who we were before, and how we can become what God wants us to be. HAve a great week!! 

Elder Jeffery

Monday, June 8, 2015

We Have Two Responsibilities In This Life

To answer your questions, We made cookies, but the turned out brownies.. But, they were delicious brownies so it all worked out! We don`t have a temple in our mission, but they will be dedicating a temple in Trujio which will be the closest temple to us thus far. It`s being dedicated on 21 of this month and we will be able to watch the dedication in the stake center in which will be an extention of the temple on this day, so we don`t have a temple, but soon I will in a way be entering the temple for the dedication! 

Wow, that`s a great story of the power of prayer! It`s amazing what a little prayer and great faith can do! I have been wanting to go fishing lately also! I think there is a river here to do it, but I don`t have fishing gear  so it`s kind of a problem. 

Ezra and Flat Stanley in Bountiful

Elder Jeffery and Flat Stanley In Cusco
This week we worked hard. We tried to match last week which was hard to do. I`ve honestly not been so tired in my life! But, we continued until the end, and even though the appointments often fell through, we always found something to do. We contacted A LOT of people. It`s great to see how many people believe in Christ and have an experience of how Christ has helped them. I`m learning that the people understand the importance of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but only need to be show more and how to live it fully. It`s a hard job and a great responsibiliy. It`s OUR responsibiliy! I`m learning about the life we have here on earth and have come down to the conclusion that we have two responsibilities in this life. 
1) Learn and apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives
2) Teach others how to learn and apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives. 

It`s that simple! We love God, so we apply the Gospel. We love others so we share it! 

We have been teaching Edson still and has been assisting church every week. His doubt was about coffee. So, after church, we talked to him about the word of wisdom, and the importance of keeping our bodies healthy. He thought about it and decided that yes, he can keep the word of wisdom. I`m happy to see the progress that he is having and the change of heart. He still has a few doubts and concerns, but as he learns about the gospel, I`m sure he will forget about them, and remember why he`s here on earth. I`m glad to serve every day and learn how to appy in my own life the Gospel. I love you MOM and hope you have a great week full of more miracles! THank you friends and family for the support you give me and the help you give to the missionaries serving in your wards! Keep up the grand work! 

Elder Jeffery

Monday, June 1, 2015

Rules = Blessings Leading Us To Perfection

n the world we live in, it`s hard to see our full potential. I look at myself so differently than my Heavenly Father because I see my imperfections not my potential. Humility, Long-suffering, patience, and love are crucial to improve ourselves.

This week has been amazing. Elder Aguilar have been working so hard, and have seen results. I get so along with my companion! As we are working here in ``paradise Calca`` as we call it. 

We went to Ramon Quispe`s house this week, a less active, to see if we could teach him. He said that he had guests over so, we said we could teach him and his guests. He let us in, and introduced us to his friend Hugo Vasquez. We soon found that Hugo had a strong testimony in God and wanted to follow Jesus Christ. We challanged him to be baptized on the 27 of June. He accepted! We hope and pray to have him and Edson baptized the same day. We also taught from the many families we contacted in the street this week, two catholic families. They are both very nice friendly families, but when we challanged them to baptism, they didn`t want to because they are Catholic. That`s alright though. I pray they come to understand the importance of the priesthood authority and the message we bring to them. I am thankful to learn more about my purpose in this life every day. I`ve learned that it doesn`t matter if you are in the mission field or no, but really your attitude toward missionary work. Before, I was scared to contact in the street, and didn`t really want to, but I understand more now, and want to contact. We can gain a real desire to be obedient in this life, and when we gain this desire it sets us free. We don`t see the rules as rules but more as blessings leading us to perfection. Thank you family and friends for preparing me to serve here in Cusco, and I hope to everyone of you to understand the true blessing that obedience brings to us when we desire to obey. I love you MOM have a great week!

Elder Jeffery